
Drew Crowell continues teaching through Mark with the final saying of Jesus on the cross.
Lead Pastor Jimmy Thoma continues the Summer in the Psalms sermon series with a teaching of Psalm 16 about the present grace of God and a future hope in his…
During this adult Sunday school class, Drew Crowell teaches on the 3rd saying of Jesus as he died on the cross.
Associate Pastor Alan Hensley brings a message from Psalm 62:1-12 on the idols of our heart, how to turn to God in difficult circumstances, and the power and love of…
Drew Crowell continues teaching through Mark with this installment on Jesus' first two sayings on the cross.
The Summer in the Psalms series continues with this installment of another Psalm of David, Psalm 13, taught by Pastor Jimmy Thoma.
Lead Pastor Jimmy Thoma teaches through Psalm 63 about desiring God, being grounded in who He is, and being satisfied in Him in this installment of the Summer in the…
Adult Sunday School teacher Drew Crowell continues his series in Mark with a teaching from Mark 15 on the suffering of Jesus.
Guest Speaker Ramon Rodriguez from Mexico brings a message from Isaiah 6 about the greatness of God.
Lead Pastor Jimmy Thoma teaches through Psalm 29 in this installment of the Summer in the Psalms sermon series.

Worship With Us

Sundays at 10:00AM


332 East 11th Street
Durango, CO 81301