
Lead Pastor Jimmy Thoma continues the Summer in the Psalms sermon series with a teaching from Psalm 31.
Associate Pastor Alan Hensley kicks off a new sermon series called "Summer in the Pslams" with a teaching out of Psalm 3 about the deliverance of the Lord.
Drew Crowell continues his teaching of the book of Mark with a message about Jesus appearing before Pilate out of Mark 15.
College Minister Will Parkins closes out the "Life of David" sermon series with a message out of 1st Chronicles 29:10-20 and teaches on why David was a man after God's…

Mark 14:53-72 Part 2

June 25, 2023
Drew Crowell continues his Mark series with the second part of Mark 14:53-72.
In this installment of the "Life of David" sermon series, Pastor Jimmy Thoma teaches out of 2nd Samuel 12:1-15 on God's grace for David's great sin but also its gruesome…

Mark 14:53-72 Part 1

June 18, 2023
During this teaching, Drew Crowell continues his series in Mark and teaches part 1 of Mark 14:53-72.
Lead Pastor Jimmy Thoma, Associate Pastor Alan Hensley, and our Communications Administrator Jenna Brandon, discuss the proposed amendment to Article 5 of the Bylaws regarding membership.
Continuing "The Life of David" series, Pastor Jimmy Thoma teaches through 2nd Samuel 11:1-12:7 and preaches on how this passage reveals David's heart in his sin and how his sin…

Worship With Us

Sundays at 10:00AM


332 East 11th Street
Durango, CO 81301